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​My name is Nic and I'd like to welcome you to this website which is dedicated to my fishing.​

I am a coarse fisherman and have been indulging in this wonderful pastime for over 45 years.​

I am in the very fortunate position of living near Stratford-upon-Avon on the banks of the beautiful Warwickshire Avon.​​

Having a wife, young family and a job away from angling necessitates that my fishing sessions are often short but frequent and I try to get waterside at least twice a week, come rain or shine, for three or four hours, usually at dusk, which I find the most productive time on the Avon.

I also enjoy regular sessions on the Wye, having fallen for its majestic beauty, the stunning wildlife, its raw power and, of course, the awesome fishing on offer.

In addition I can sometimes be found on the banks of the Severn where I enjoy targeting the barbel and zander. 

As well as fishing these rivers I love spending time wetting a line on their smaller tributaries and my local canals, along with a few local stillwaters too.  

I am an angler who enjoys fishing for all coarse species and am equally happy trotting a float, fishing the lift method, trundling a link-leger, hurling a feeder into a flooded river or deadbaiting for predators.

I am sometimes joined bankside by my dog Tess, my friends James and Mick and occasionally by one of my daughters. 

This website runs in conjunction with my YouTube channel, Instagram account and Facebook page which all get regular updates. 

My main interest is in my fishing vlog which can be found on my youtube channel and provides a video diary of all my fishing sessions.  Every session is filmed and viewers are updated on everything, even the blanks and uneventful times that we all face as anglers.  Videos are posted shorty after filming.

The drive behind my videos and social media posts is to share my angling experiences and help other anglers with any tips or assistance I can give.  I am always contactable via email (see the "contact" section) or though facebook or instagram if you have any specific questions I can help you with.  I'm just an ordinary, everyday coarse angler with a job and a family wishing to share his experiences and help others where possible.  

If you would like a more personal experience and want me to spend a session on the bank with you, offering some tips, advice and putting you into some decent fish-holding swims, I'll do my best to oblige.  Please see the Guided Fishing page for more information.

Thanks for passing by and maybe we'll bump into each other on the bank sometime.

Tight lines,


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All content owned by avonanglinguk.

Any reproduction of content taken from this site is strictly prohibited. 

"It's not about the pounds and ounces,

it's about the smile on your face."

©2018 by avonanglinguk

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